Listing of known global variants used in Golden Axe Remake. Many of these are holdovers from Utunnels original scripts and can be eliminated or replaced with value retrieval.
Note this is not an accurate count, as some name strings are created by inserting a relevant index to simulate an array. Binding, shadow trails, and auxiliary damage system all operate in this manor. The door spawn system appears to use a similar technique, but it is a carry over from Utunnels coding that I have not yet viewed in detail. I would also like to convert the names to Hungarian Notation, but for now I think best to leave them be.
- corpse
- adder
- snake
- inscreen
- a_npc
- p
- dummy
- al_npc
- wake
- smallexp_count
- largeexp_count
- bbdelay
- g_npc
- “player”+index+”mp” (index = player index)
- darkone
- sleep
- levelminz
- levelmaxz
- t_npc
- doorindex
- “doortimer”+ind (ind = door index. Unknown how index is assigned).
- “doorspawn”+index
- “dooralias”+index
- “doormap”+index
- release
- pal
- maxpal
- sdx
- sdz
- addtime
- darkskeleton
- “trailer”+k+”.s”
- “trailer”+k+”.x”
- “trailer”+k+”.z”
- “trailer”+k+”.a”
- “trailer”+k+”.f”
- “trailer”+k+”.c”
- “trailer”+k+”.color”
- “trailer”+k+”.alpha”
- “trailer”+k+”.m”
- pot0
- pot1
- runanimal
- bbdelay
- countdown
- cstring
- player0mp
- player1mp
- player2mp
- “pot”+(c%100)
- doortimer1
- doorspawn1
- doormap1
- doortimer2
- doorspawn2
- dooralias1
- dooralias2
- doormap2
- switch
- etime
- time1
- time2
- vSelf + “.bind.” + iIndex (grappling binds)
- “hit”+i+”.a”
- “hit”+i+”.c”
- “hit”+i+”.t”
- “hit”+i+”.d”
- “hit”+i+”.k”
- “hit”+i+”.o”
- debug_bind0010_iMode
- debug_bind0010_iIndex
- debug_bind0010_iPose
- debug_bind0010_iX
- debug_bind0010_iY
- debug_bind0010_iZ
- debug_bind0010_iDir
- debug_bind0010_iFrame
- debug_bind0010_Rebind