Pointless Pontification

Deleting Facebook

Recently as I go deeper into the academic rabbit hole, I have found the need to revive my blog just a bit. Many class assignments require writing up discussion points, so why not do it here?

Also, if I am to eventually obtain a PHD, it is important to build a body of work. Some of the none of you reading this may have noticed an influx of posts about various functions, database manifests, and so on. These are partially just notes so I can remember what I was doing five minutes ago – but eventually along with my OpenBOR work I am hoping to have a nice collection to organize and publish.

So what does this have to do with Facebook? Simple, part of reviving the blog sphere means reorganizing – switching to hashtags vs. loads of categories, revamping some old code, all that good business.

As it happens, Facebook is chained to this thing like Stevie Nicks, ergo my account needs cleaning just as bad. Fixing the albums, categorizing posts so I can find them, and frankly, removing a few faux pas. Not personal stuff – I was always pretty careful about that. I’m talking posts about code work that looking back now I must wonder what sick malaise struck me when crafting them! 🙂

Problem is have you SEEN what a pain it is to clean FB profiles?! Mine has been active since 2008, and I no doubt averaged ~1.5 posts a day. That’s a lot of extraneous excrement to sift through. It’s certainly doable, just not worth the time. Instead let’s go the way of a rookie call center tech: Format and recover!

Within the next week I am going to perform a full delete on my account. Afterwards I will restart fresh, though it might be a while since FB can take up to 90 days before a profile is truly cleared.

There you have it – sorry if I carried on like an Allen Collins solo. If you see me show up as a friend request in the next month or two, it’s really me and I hope you’ll accept. In the meantime, both of you who wish to keep up with me may do so here or through my other social venues. You shouldn’t have trouble finding them.

See you soon!


Author: Damon Caskey

Hello all, Damon Caskey here - the esteemed owner of this little slice of cyberspace. Welcome!

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