Technology Temerity

DC’s Object Core Library – Vol I: Damage


DC’s Object Core Library is an effort to bring some of the benefits of object oriented programing to the OpenBOR script engine. Although it is technically impossible to define a true object through OpenBOR script, careful structuring of functions into methods properties allows us to closely simulate OOP behavior.

  • Encapsulation
  • Re-usability
  • Forward compatibility
  • Simplicity
  • Expandability

The DC Damage Library coves a fundamental building block; damaging entities. After all, there is little use in something like a bind/grappling system without the means to apply damage. It is very important to not only damage entities using the engine’s built in damage system, but to do so in a controlled way. You will find this system allows you near infinite combinations of settings to cover almost any damage needs.


This library is released under license seen here.


  1. Download and unzip the library.
  2. Place dc_damage folder into your scripts folder.
    • You can always put it elsewhere, but if you do, you’ll need to modify all the #include and #imports accordingly.
  3. Add the line #include “data/scripts/dc_damage/main.c” to any scripts you’d like to use damage objects in, and you’re ready to go.



In its most basic form, there are exactly three steps once you’ve installed the DC Damage Object.

  1. Initialize an object. To do that, call dc_damage_create_object({index}). The {index} is a required integer value of your choosing. You can have as many damage objects as you like, {index} identifies which is which. Once initialized an object can used by any script that you installed the library to.
  2. Now you need to define a target to damage. That’s easy too; call dc_damage_set_target({index}, {entity}) and make whatever entity you want to damage.
  3. Now all you need to do is call damage_execute({index}) and your target gets nailed!
frame chars/dude/sprite1.png
    @cmd dc_damage_create_object 0 #Let's create an object with index of 0.
    @cmd dc_damage_create_object 0 findtarget(getlocalvar("self)) #Set the target to be the nearest enemy.
frame chars/dude/sprite2.png
frame chars/dude/sprite3.png
frame chars/dude/sprite20.png
     @cmd dc_damage_execute 0 #Apply damage the target of damage object 0.
frame chars/dude/sprite22.png

Now here’s where it gets interesting. If you do nothing else but the three steps above, you get a simple knockdown with 0 damage. Not all that exciting. But that’s because you applied damage without setting any properties other than the target. So now you’ll want to work with the other properties to crate different effects. The amount of force, knockdown, how far, which direction, and so on are all adjustable on the fly. Just call the relevant mutator function (see below for list) with the index and you desired value. Only worry about the properties you need to – the rest have defaults (you can change these defaults if you like, see Advanced Use). There’s even a set of constants provided to help you along.

Damage a target, change some settings, damage it again. Multiple objects can be used all it once, it really doesn’t matter.


Action Methods

These methods are used to execute basic actions.

  • void damage_create_object(int index): Create a damage object identified by and populate with default values. Object is then ready to use, but you will need to set a target before applying damage.
  • void damage_destroy_object(int index): Destroy the object and free up resources.
  • void damage_execute(int index): Apply damage effects to target. You must first set a target. If there is no target set, an alert will be sent to the log and no further action will be taken.
  • void damage_ dump_object(int index): Send all object properties to the log.
  • void damage_import_object(int index, void object): Import all properties from a another damage object to . Will create new object or overwrite existing as needed.


Access Methods

Get object properties and status values. Unless noted otherwise, see the corresponding mutate method descriptions for property details.

  • void entity = damage_get_attacker(int index): Get the damaging entity.
  • int atk = damage_get_attacking(int index): Get attacking property.
  • int dir = damage_get_direction_adjustment(int index): Get direction adjustment property.
  • int dol = damage_get_dol_force(int index): Get damage on landing force property.
  • int drop = damage_get_drop(int index): Get drop power property.
  • int force = damage_get_force(int index): Get force property.
  • int force = damage_get_force_mitigated(int index): Get the damage target would receive after its defense and attacker’s offense are applied.
  • int force = damage_get_force_final(int index): Get force that target will receive after all damage mitigation and object settings are applied.
  • int min = damage_get_hp_cap_min(int index): Get target HP cap minimum property.
  • void obj = damage_get_object(int index): Get object array. Useful to copy object or save into global for game persistence.
  • int proj = damage_get_projectile(int index): Get projectile property.
  • int type = damage_get_type(int index): Get attack type property.
  • int flip = damage_get_velocity_flip_x(int index): Get X velocity flipping property.
  • float X = damage_get_velocity_x(int index): Get X drop velocity.
  • float Y = damage_get_velocity_y(int index): Get Y drop velocity.
  • float Z = damage_get_velocity_z(int index): Get Z drop velocity.


Mutate Methods

Establish and change object properties. Where applicable default values for the property are listed.

  • void damage_set_attacker(int index, void value = NULL()): Set entity that will cause damage and receive credit for doing so. If no attacker is set when damage is applied, the target itself will be considered the attacker.
  • void damage_set_attacking(int index, int value = DC_DAMAGE_FALSE): Toggle the target’s attacking flag when damage is applied. Combine with projectile to create a blast effect. Uses general Boolean constants:
    • DC_DAMAGE_TRUE: Target’s attacking flag will be turned on.
    • DC_DAMAGE_FALSE: Target’s attacking flag will be turned off.
  • void damage_set_direction_adjustment(int index, int value = DC_DAMAGE_DIR_ADJ_OPP): Determines how target’s direction will be adjusted when damage is applied. Use with following constants:
    • DC_DAMAGE_DIR_ADJ_LEFT: Target will always face left.
    • DC_DAMAGE_DIR_ADJ_OPP: Target will always face opposite direction of attacker.
    • DC_DAMAGE_DIR_ADJ_NONE: Target’s facing will not be adjusted.
    • DC_DAMAGE_DIR_ADJ_SAME: Target will always face same direction as attacker.
    • DC_DAMAGE_DIR_ADJ_SAME: Target will always face right.
  • void damage_set_dol_force(int index, int value = 0): Damage target will receive upon landing from fall. May be mitigated by target’s defenses or ability to land.
  • void damage_set_drop(int index, int value = 1): Drop (knockdown) power that will be applied to target with damage.
  • void damage_set_type(int index, int value = openborconstant(“ATK_NORMAL”)): Type of damage that will be applied to target.
  • void damage_set_force(int index, float value = 0): Quantity of damage that will be applied to target. Float types are only accepted for future expansion. The engine will truncate any decimal value when damage is applied.
  • void damage_set_hp_cap_min(int index, int value = 0): Target’s minimum allowed hitpoints after damage is applied. If after mitigated force will drop target’s HP to at or below , applied force will be adjusted as necessary to allow target’s HP to stay at minimum.
  • void damage_set_projectile(int index, int value = DC_DAMAGE_FALSE): Toogle target’s projectile flag when damage is applied.
    • DC_DAMAGE_TRUE: Target’s projectile flag is turned on.
    • DC_DAMAGE_FALSE: Target’s projectile flag is turned off
  • void damage_set_target(int index, void value = NULL()): Set target entity to damage. You must set a target before applying damage.
  • void damage_set_velocity_flip_x(int index, float value = DC_DAMAGE_VEL_FLIP_X_AWAY): Toggle mirroring of X drop velocity when damage is applied.
    • DC_DAMAGE_VEL_FLIP_X_AWAY: Always send target away from attacker.
    • DC_DAMAGE_VEL_FLIP_X_OPP_ATK: Always send target opposite direction of attacker’s facing.
    • DC_DAMAGE_VEL_FLIP_X_OPP_TARGET: Always send target opposite its own facing.
    • DC_DAMAGE_VEL_FLIP_X_NONE: Apply X drop velocity as is.
    • DC_DAMAGE_VEL_FLIP_X_SAME_ATK: Always send target same direction of attacker’s facing.
    • DC_DAMAGE_VEL_FLIP_X_SAME_TARGET: Always send target same direction as its own facing.
    • DC_DAMAGE_VEL_FLIP_X_TOWARD: Always send target toward attacker.
  • void damage_set_velocity_x(int index, float value = 1.2): X axis velocity applied to target on knockdown.
  • void damage_set_velocity_y(int index, float value = 3): Y axis velocity applied to target on knockdown.
  • void damage_set_velocity_z(int index, float value = 0): Z axis velocity applied to target on knockdown.


Advanced Use

  • Efficiency notes:
    • The installation #include is merely to start a file chain of #imports. The only items truly being #included are constants.
    • Objects are actually arrays stored as an index var. Therefore each defined object requires only one indexed var.
  • Because the library is written to behave like an object, it can be easily extended like an object class. Add your own goodies, just make sure to follow the interface rules for forward compatibility and try not to get carried away. Remember this is an “object” and should remained specialized. Things like flash spawns, sound effects and such are the purview of other object libraries (which will be coming soon).
  • Settings.h allows readjusting of object behavior as needed.
    • Array keys
    • Indexed var keys
    • Default properties


To Do

  • Clean up some of the calculation formulas. A few of them are pretty crude.
  • % based damage option.
  • Maximum option for HP cap.
  • Min/max damage caps.
  • No reflect option (currently not available in OpenBOR script).

Author: Damon Caskey

Hello all, Damon Caskey here - the esteemed owner of this little slice of cyberspace. Welcome!

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