class class_mail
class_mail - https://www.caskeys.com/dc/?p=5031
Damon Vaughn Caskey
Mail handler.
const c_bWMAlert = TRUE; //Send webmaster a blind copy?
const c_cEDefMsg = "..."; //Default message.
const c_cEHead = "MIME-Version: 1.0 \r\nContent-type: text/html; charset=iso-8859-1\r\n"; //Default email headers.
const c_cESubject = "From EHS Web"; //Default outgoing email subject.
const c_cEWMIn = "dvcask2@uky.edu"; //Default webmaster's incoming email address.
const c_cEWMOut = "ehs_noreply@uky.edu"; //Default address when server sends mail.
public function mail_send($cMsg=self::c_cEDefMsg, $cSubject=self::c_cESubject, $cTo=self::c_cEWMIn, $cFrom=self::c_cEWMOut, $cBcc=NULL, $bWMAlert=self::c_bWMAlert, $cHeader=self::c_cEHead, $cParams=NULL)
Damon Vaughn Caskey
Send HTML mail with standard defaults.
$cMsg: Body of email.
$cSubject: Subject line.
$cTo: Outgoing address list.
$cFrom: Return address.
$cBcc: Blind carbon copy address list.
$bWMAlert: Send Bcc to webmaster.
$cHeader: Header information.
$cParams: Optional parameters.
$cBody = NULL; //Final sting for message body.
Insert From address to header.
$cHeader .= "From: ".$cFrom. "\r\n";
If Webmaster alert is on, insert address into Bcc and add to header. Otherwise just add Bcc to header as is.
$cHeader .= "Bcc: ".self::c_cEWMIn. ", ".$cBcc."\r\n";
$cHeader .= "Bcc: ".$cBcc."\r\n";
$cHeader .="\r\n";
If message passed as a key array, break into list and output as table layout.
if (is_array($cMsg))
Initial html and table markup.
$cBody = "<html>
<table cellpadding='3'>";
Get each item in array and place into two column table row.
foreach($cMsg as $key => $value)
$cBody .= "<tr><th>".$key.":</th><td>".$value."</td></tr>";
Add closing markup.
$cBody .= "</table>
Output message as is.
$cBody = $cMsg;
Run mail function.
return mail($cTo, $cSubject, $cBody, $cHeader, $cParams);
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